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Writer's pictureChristina Juliano

Pickleball Prevention Strategies/Exercises for the Shoulder: Rotator Cuff. (Part 2 of:Pickleball Prevention Series)

Shoulder pain can be a common complaint amongst pickleballers. The muscles of the rotator cuff play a big part in helping to stabilize the shoulder while the arm reaches to hit the ball. If there is limited mobility or strength deficits the rotator cuff can become irritated due to poor mechanics.

Rotator Cuff, Pickleball

It is important to not only address the shoulder (glenohumeral joint) but the shoulder complex and thoracic spine as well. Everything must work together as a team otherwise it’s a recipe for an angry shoulder. 

Below are a few exercises broken down into mobility, strengthening and dynamic stability exercises. If you are already experiencing pain with your shoulder I'd recommend consulting with a medical professional before trying these exercises. Depending on your stage of injury these exercises may not be appropriate for you at this time. Get assessed by a movement specialist such as a Physical Therapist to get the right diagnosis and help.


Prone Shoulder CAR (Controlled Articular Rotations)

Lying face down with arms overhead and palms turned down.

Lift arms straight up as high as you can

Move arms out to the side

Once at shoulder height or 90 degree angle begin to rotate palms facing upwards and reach behind back

½ Kneel Thoracic rotation

Kneeling next to wall, use ball, yoga block or foam roller to press knee closest to wall. Begin to twist opening up with the arm and trying to reach the wall behind you.

Stability/Motor Control

High Plank to Reach (Serratus Anterior and Core)

Begin in high plank position

Raising one hand off the ground, reach back to the opposite foot while the hand that remains on the ground pushes firmly into ground 

D2 Flexion with Band Standing and Progression into Split Stance Position. 

Choose a light resistance band. Stepping on band opposite of side you are holding with hand. 

Start at opposite hip and raise arm in diagonal pattern overhead rotating thumb up toward ceiling. As you lower the arm in a diagonal pattern the thumb rotates back down toward the hip. 

Dynamic Shoulder External Rotation and Internal Rotation with ball (Rhythmic Stabilization)

Utilizing lacrosse ball or light weighted ball. 

Bring arm out to side to shoulder height about 90 degrees and flex elbow to 90 degrees

Bouncing and catching balling in a rotational movement


Try incorporating these exercises into to your workout routine to help prevent issues with your shoulder during pickleball. If you are already suffering from an injury seek professional help as not all shoulder pain is the same nor all exercises appropriate in different stages of healing. Each individual's situation is unique. Therefore it is important to consult with an expert like the team at Renascent Physical Therapy to help determine the root cause of the problem and get you safely on the road to recovery.


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